Zhou Yunsheng


Update: 2024-01-03


Personal profile:

Zhou Yunsheng, male, born in 1980and Lecturer and member of the Communist Party of China. Deputy Director of the Emergency Management Department at the School of Public Management (School of Emergency Management) of China University of Mining and Technology. Head of the Outward Bound Training Center and has the certificate of Senior Trainer. Research focuses on safety regulation and emergency management systems. Have undertaken emergency plan and review projects commissioned by branch of emergency management such as the Emergency Management Department of Jiangsu Province, Suining County in Xuzhou City, Jiangdu District in Yangzhou City, and Guangling District, as well as emergency management, safety production, and comprehensive disaster prevention and reduction planning projects in Nantong City, Kunshan City in Suzhou City, Taicang City, Zhangjiagang City, Hongze District in Huai'an City, Suining County in Xuzhou City, Feng County, and Xiayi County in Shangqiu City.

Lecture courses: Basic training in emergency management skills, fundamental of safety management, crisis communication, outward bound training


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Zip Code: 221116

Add: Nanhu Campus, China University of Mining and Technology, No. 1 University Road, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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